GLOSSARY (Bảng từ vựng)

GLOSSARY (Bảng từ vựng)

I. GLOSSARY (Bảng từ vựng)

1. crossbar (n) the bar joining the two vertical posts of a goal xà ngang (khung thành)

2. eject (v) to force sb to leave a place đuổi ra (từ đồng nghĩa) send off

Ex: He was ejected for a foul on the defender.

(Anh ta bị đuổi khỏi sân do phạm lỗi với hậu vệ.)

=> ejection (n) sự đuổi ra

3. fin (n) a thin flat part that sticks out from the body of a vehicle, an aircraft, etc. used for improving its balance and movement chân vịt

4. foul (n) (in sport) an action that is against the rules of the game cú trái luật; cú ăn gian; cú chơi xấu; lỗi

Ex: It was a clear foul by Ford on the goalkeeper.

(Lỗi của Ford đối với thủ môn là quá rõ.)

=> foul (v) phạm luật; phạm lỗi; chơi xấu

5. goal line (n) (in football, hockey, etc.) the line at either end of a sports field on which the goal stands or which the ball must cross to score a goal or touchdown đường biên ngang; vạch gôn

6. goalie (n) (also goalkeeper /'gəulki:pər/): (in football, hockey, al etc.) a player whose job is to stop the ball from going into his or her own 1 team's goal người giữ gôn; thủ thành; thủ môn

7. gymnastics (n) môn thể dục

8. opponent (n) a person that you are playing or fighting against in a game, competition, argument, etc, đối thủ (từ đồng nghĩa) adversary

9. pass (v) (~ sth to sb): (in ball games) to kick, hit or throw the ball to a player of your own side chuyền (bóng)

=> pass (n) đường chuyền

Ex: Owen picked up a long pass from Beckham to score.

(Owen nhận đường chuyền dài từ Beckham rồi ghi bàn.)

10. penalize (v) to punish sb for breaking a rule in a sport or game by giving an advantage to their opponent phạt

Ex: He was penalized for time-wasting. (Anh ta bị phạt vì tội câu giờ.)

11. publicity (n) the attention that is given to sb/ sth by newspapers, television, etc. sự chú ý

12. punch (v) to hit sb/ sth hard with your fist (= closed hand) đám; thoi; thui

→ punch (n)

13. quarter (n) one of four periods that a game is divided into in some sports hiệp

14. regulator (n) a device that automatically controls sth such as speed, temperature or pressure máy điều chỉnh (áp suất, nhiệt độ, tốc độ)

15. scuba-diving (n) (also scuba) môn lặn có mang bình khí

16. seed (n) (~ of sth): the beginning of a feeling or a development which continues to grow mầm mống, nguồn gốc; nền móng

Ex: Annette Kellerman, who was an Australian swimmer, planted the first seed of what was to become synchronized swimming.

(Annette Kellerman, một vận động viên bơi lội người Úc, đã đặt nền móng cho môn bơi nghệ thuật.)

17. sprint (v) to run or swim a short distance very fast bơi nước rút; chạy nước rút

=> sprint (n) sự bơi nước rút; sự chạy nước rút

18. stage (v) to organize an event tổ chức

Ex: Barcelona staged the Olympic Games in 1992.

(Barcelona đã tổ chức Thế Vận Hội vào năm 1992.)

19. synchronized swimming (n) a sport in which groups of swimmers move in patterns in the water to music môn bơi nghệ thuật

20. tie (n) a situation in a game or competition when two or more players have the same score tỉ số hòa

=> tie (v) ngang điểm; hòa nhau

21. vertical (adj): (of a line, pole, etc.) going straight up or down from a level surface or from top to bottom in a picture, etc. thẳng đứng; đứng (từ đồng nghĩa) perpendicular

=> vertically (adv)

22. water polo (n) a game played by two teams of people swimming in a swimming pool. Players try to throw a ball into the other team's goal môn bóng nước

23. wetsuit (n) a piece of clothing made of rubber that fits the whole body closely, worn by people swimming underwater or sailing quần áo lặn; bộ đồ lặn

24. windsurfing (n) (also boardsailing): the sport of sailing on water standing on a windsurfer môn lướt ván buồm

* danh từ riêng

Chicago Teacher's College: Trường Sư Phạm Chicago

Wright Junior College: Trường cao đẳng Wrights

Amateur Athletic Union: Hiệp hội vận động viên nghiệp dư