☆ Pronunciation

• Hãy lắng nghe rồi lặp lại.



here /hɪər/

dear /dɪə/

clear /kliəl/

idea /aɪˈdɪə/

cheers /tʃɪəz/

atmosphere /ˈæt.mə.sfɪər/

pair /peər/

chair /tseə(r)/

square /skweə(r)/

where /weə(r)/

upstairs /ʌpˈsteəz/

carefully /'keəfli/

poor /pʊr/

sure /sʊr(r)/

tour /tʊr (r)/

usual /'juzʊrl/

casual /'kæzʊrl/

actually /'æktsuəll/

• Hãy thực hành đọc câu.

☆ Grammar and vocabulary

* Should

Exercise 1. Với mỗi tình huống trong ngoặc, hãy viết một câu với should hoặc shouldn't + một trong những cụm từ trong khung dưới đây.

Đáp án

1. She should go away for a few days.

4. You should take a photograph.

2. You should look for another job.

5. She shouldn't use her car so much.

3. He shouldn't go to bed so late.

6. He should put some pictures on the wall.

Exercise 2. Hãy đọc các tình huống rồi viết câu với I think/ I don't think... should...

Đáp án gợi ý

1. I don't think they should get married.

2. I think smoking should be banned, especially in restaurants.

3. I don't think you should go out this evening.

4. I think the boss should resign.

* Conditional sentences type 2

Exercise 3. Hãy chia thì đúng của động từ.

Đáp án

1. didn't go

5. would not get

9. did not come

2. would feel

6. closed down

10. borrowed

3. would take

7. pressed

11. walked

4. refused

8. would be

12. would understand